I'm finally done with Gigi's overcoat.
Just in time for spring and summer !!
This was a long project and since it was pretty tedious, I only did a little at a time so it took me over a month to complete it.
It's so much easier to just whip up a quick tunic knit dress but projects like these are really satisfying once they are done, if they ever do get done. And if it still fits your kid by the time you are done.
McCall's 5315 1942
I found this pattern at a flea market in Seattle for two dollars. I have always wanted to make an old fashioned child's wool overcoat. I was going to make a little hat but Gigi would just pull it off.
When I opened the pattern I was a little shocked at how complicated the directions were to make a toddler's coat. So to add to the complications I decided to do an inner lining on the coat and pad stitch the lapel.
Hand made shoulder pads: check
Flannel interlining:check ( or is that innerlining?)
Fell stitched hand sewn lining: check
Hand sewn prick stitched detail around edges: check
Hand attached lined patch pockects: check
A pad stitched lapel facing: check
All that work and I didn't bother to make sure the sleeves were the right length! ( They are too long.)
Good thing the lining is so cute that the sleeves rolled up look planned that way.
Toddlers love pockets, don't they?
Maybe Gigi is starting to get into the preschooler stage. Not that she will go to pre school yet. But I think she is getting too big to be called a toddler.
( sigh....)
I had some extra fabric left after the lining was cut so I designed this simple little center ruffled dress. I used a shirt placket from my thrift shop pile to put down the center of the dress. It should fit her perfectly by summer.
All the fabrics came from my quickly shrinking stash. The interlining flannel was left over from a Christmas project I never got around to making and the chevron zig zag lining I bought last year for an idea I had to make several little girls dresses to sell that I also didn't get around to making.
Can anyone say sewing ADD ?
I was tired of seeing that zig zag fabric lying in my bin and I'm glad I finally put it to good use. Don't you love that?
The wool I actually found at the thrift shop on half price day and the buttons were bought at a yard sale where I found a big shoe box of vintage buttons for three dollars.
Total cost: about $ 6. 50.
I have been using up my stash at a rapid rate. Good thing because I am going to the garment district tomorrow with a friend. Now I can start hoarding up all over again!
I bought these "Made By Mom" labels in a French fabric shop,
C'est jolie, n'est pas?
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