Although Thanksgiving in the US started off as a way to commemorate the friendly relations between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims who would have starved without their help that freezing winter, the holiday has become a day of celebrating family and showing our gratitude.
I for one have so much to be greatful for. My family, home, health, and God to name a few.
I am grateful to be able to get up in the morning, jump out of bed and walk downstairs to pour myself some coffee and I am greatful to my husband for making that coffee every morning! A small miracle when I think of my cousin who has MS and can't ever do those things anymore since every step is a feat of strength and painful for him.
I am grateful for my children; my two year old pattering through the house and making her little messes; my son playing his guitar softly in his room, my daughter chatting on the phone with friends; talking to my stepdaughter on the phone since she moved to New York city to pursue her fashion dreams. What a miracle children are!
Something else I am greatful for is having this blog. Making connections through it with other people who love to sew and make things has really enriched my life. Although I have friends, none of them share this passion of mine and it is so great to communicate with others who " get it"! How cool is it to carry on a conversation with a blog friend who lives in Malysia from my home in Southern California? Or to "visit" with a blogger in Scotland to chat about vintage patterns? I am so greatful for the creative inspiration I get from the sewing and DIY blogosphere and the real world opportunities from people who have read my blog.
Thank you to anyone who stops by here, leaves a comment, posts a link, or follows!
Lily in her fifties holiday dress. |
And to everyone American or not, Happy Thanksgiving!
Now I must go and put the turkey in the oven!
(I didn't get my act together in time to post the giveaway I had planned for today so stop by tomorrow and I will be giving away some sewing patterns! The winner can choose between childrens or ladies sewing patterns from my collection.)