So here are the results for the Apron Giveaway. There were 134 entries and I thank everyone for entering. I am pasting this random number generator below. If you would like one for your giveaways just go to and you can get a widget for your blog there. Fun stuff!
Well, when I went to add the winner the generator reset again so I can't post it. Maybe not such a great widget afterall. Or I did it wrong.
Well, when I went to add the winner the generator reset again so I can't post it. Maybe not such a great widget afterall. Or I did it wrong.
The winner was number 30.
And that is Kimbuck JR who I will be e-mailing and getting the apron out within a couple days. Have a good Memorial Day ! God Bless those who have died for our country.

Congrats to nr. 30!