My best friends' daughter really wanted to learn some new sewing skills . Her little brother asked her to make him a case for his Nintendo DS. We weren't sure how so we found the dimensions of the game cosole on the internet and drafted a pattern.

This is a great project for tweens because it teaches them some solid sewing skills, for example, pockets, applique, batting , and basic straight seams.

Above are my calculations for this simple pattern.
Materials needed:
1/4 yard checked fabric.
Scrap of red fabric for 2 1/2 inch pockets and a small shark applique
A piece of cotton batting about 13' by 8 inches
sewing machine and thread
4 inches of velcro
marking chalk
The nintendo game unit measures 6 inches wide by about 31/2 inches long and 1 1/4 inch deep.
I drew up a pattern for a flap wallet style measuring 7 inches wide by 13 inches long to allow for the flap and the depth of the game unit.

1. Take your pattern piece and cut 2 pieces from fabric and one piece from the batting.

2.Sew the batting to the wrong side of one of the pieces

3. On the unpadded piece mark down one inch across the width with a ruler and draw a line. This line will be for the velcro of the flap. Mark down 31/2 inches from the top width for where the case will fold. Draw a line for the fold.

4. Make a little patch pocket pattern 3 inches by 2 1/2 inches. Cut 4 pocket pieces.

5. Iron top of pocket pieces 3/8 inch down to wrong side. Sew two pieces together to make a pocket. Repeat with the other two pieces.

6. Turn pockets right side out . Use scissors to sharpen the corners. Press.

7. Sew velcro on the corners of the case along the line you drew one inch down. Sew it more than 1/2 inch from the from the corners to allow room to sew your side seams when you put the two large pieces together. 8. Sew the patch pockets below the fold line open sides facing up towards the velcro.

9. Fold your case with the top facing you. Measure this area for the applique. Keep in mind you need 3/8 inch all around empty, thet's what the seam allowance will be.

10. Bo wanted a shark so we pulled one up off the internet pressed control + to magnify it and traced it. Then Amelia cut the shark out of felt.

11. Pin the shark to the area of the case that was folded facing you.

12. Sew your applique on the padded part of the case. You can use a straight stitch, a zig zag stitch or a satin stitch. Also at this point figure out where the inside bottom pieces of the velcro should go on the padded piece when it is all put together. Stitch down velcro pieces now.

13. Pin the two pieces together with the stitches facing this way when pinned right sides together.

14. Sew together with a 3/8 inch stitch leaving a two inch opening to allow the piece to be turned inside out.

15. Turn right side out , sharpen corners, and press. Stitch opening closed with a slipstitch or the sewing machine.

16. Sew down the sides of the case

17. Close and go!